privacy policy

Hello, how can we help? privacy policy
refund/cancellation policy

we can refund your amount only if the service hasn’t been done from our side but not in the case when it’s done. though we attend complaints and do the service again if needed.

when do we compile information?

we assemble information from you when you subscribe to a newsletter or enter data on our site.

how do we use your data?

we may use the data we save from you when you register, make an acquisition, sign up for our newsletter, counter to an analysis or marketing transmission, surf the website, or use some other website trick in the following ways:

• to upgrade our website in order to better help you.

• to allow us to best serve you in counter to your consumer service requests.

how do we preserve your information?

we only ask for your information. we never ask for credit card digits.

we do not use illegal scanning.

your personal data is saved behind secured networks and is only usable by a limited number of people who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the data private. moreover, all confidential data you supply is enciphered by secure socket layer technology.

we apply a variety of security measures when a user enters, submits, or accesses their data to maintain the security of your personal data.

all transactions are processed through a gateway provider and are not saved or used on our servers.

do we use ‘cookies?

we use cookies for the following purposes

you can choose to have your computer warn you each time a cookie is being delivered, or you can elect to turn off all cookies. you do this through your browser settings. since the browser is a little distinct, look at your browser’s help menu to enroll the correct way to modify your cookies.

if you turn cookies off, some of the features that make your site experience more effective may not function properly. that make your site proficiency more effective and may not function properly.

third-party acknowledgment

we do not sell, trade, or otherwise re-locate to outside parties your personally identifiable information.


fair information practices

the data practices principles form the nerve of privacy law in us and the concepts they include have played an important role in the development of data security laws around the earth. understanding the data practice rules and how they should be applied is demanding to comply with the various privacy laws that protect personal data.

in order to be in line with fair data practices we will take the following sensible actions, should a data breach develop:

we will notify you by email

• other

when any new amend

we will notify the customers by website notification

• other

when any new update

we also agree with the one’s redress principle which requires that people have the power to pursue enforceable powers against data representatives and processors who fail to follow the law. this rule requires not only that individuals have invokable rights against data users, but also that people have recourse to courts or govt. agencies to investigate and-or prosecute non-compliance by data processors.

contacting us

if there are any queries related to this security policy, you can contact us using the data below.

city:- new Delhi
country :- India